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remote possibility 極少的可能性。

remote sensor

Second , any foreign company falling under the rule cannot easily be obliged to fall into line unless foreign countries legislate accordingly , which seems an extremely remote possibility 其次,受到該規則影響的外國公司很難同意這么做,除非其他國家也相應也采取相應立法,不過現在看起來可能性很小。

Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury , disability , or death 要作好適當的準備,要有足夠的醫護人員,去防范可能出現的或很久以后才會出現的傷害,致殘或死亡。

There ' s also the remote possibility that this is not a coincidence 這雖然是湊巧的但似乎不是經安排的可能性也是很小的

There is only a remote possibility to finish it in two days 在兩天內完成的可能性極小。